Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Jamey!

Happy birthday to you
you live in a zoo
you smell like a monkey
you look like one too!

Happy Birthday from the Michigan crew! ;-)

The UAW strike!

I get so frustrated because I think the UAW, particularly Ron Gettlefinger, are a HUGE part of why the American car industry is doing so poorly! I for one would love to see the foreign car company's, that are doing so well, have their workers form a union similar to ours and watch them go down hill at the same time. I think that's what it would take to show some concrete evidence to the UAW. They say that they're big quam is the "Job Security" what exactly is that for them though? Is that just for now, or would they like to make some scrifices now so that they have jobs at all or so that the future generations will have jobs too! Sometimes you have to make some cuts for the greater good. As of now when you get an entry level job working for GM with the UAW you START OFF making $22.00 and hourplus benefits that they don't have to pay into. GM is asking them to take that down and I don't think that unreasonable. I know that when I started of in the workforce I didn't start off with that. I think you have to work up to that. The starting pay for most companies is minimum wage which is I think about $14.00 less then that. CRAZY! Okay so I'm ranting now but I have to go, I am not done though and will be posting with more factual information later.